Monday 4 August 2008

today is the day-1st august

So i woke up today all nervous (and hungry) ready for the operation i am having.I am having BSSO and genio.I am first in line at 9 o clock.Eek!!!
Again getting nervous ,silly things like what if i dont wake up-will my kids ever see me again,i wont see my husband again...A few tears of nerves but the surgeon lets me know that he promises he wont feel a thing-nice one doc!!!
I remember getting a needle in the arm then whoosh i was gone-my next memory was 6 hours later when i had a massive urge to pee!!!
No elastics and no jaw wrap -but little sore and very drowsy.The surgeon said things took longer but things went well..My husband must have rung to check all went well as i was told to give a thumbs up if i was good..Slept like a baby till the next day-( with nurses giving me every injection you can think of..) Glad the worrying is over-let recovery commence!!!

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