Sunday 31 August 2008

30 days later

well my splint is now only took about 5 mins and no pain .just a little tender in places.My speech is so much better without this plastic thing in my mouth.Starting to feel a bit more normal.The ortho did nothing about the bottom arch wire which is starting to look more and more crooked everyday.i coulsdnt actually tell if he touched my bottom wire until i checked in the mirror.I see him again in a couple of days so i will raise my concerns then.I will not leave the office until i get some answers!!!

Swelling is going down but i still have some on the left side more so than the right side.-strange as more work was done on the right.

i still look like my chin sticks out to much but again i think thats the swelling

Wednesday 13 August 2008

12 days later

Its been 12 days now since i had lower jaw surgery-and things are good.I went to see the surgeon for the last time today as he is off on holiday-he said things are going well hes pleased-so im pleased.

Still have the splint in and the bands on so food is still mushy stuff like mash potatoes,gravy,scrambled eggs,weetabix.I have tried blending down normal food and its better-it really fill you up better than a smoothie!!

The surgeon says the ortho will see me on the 26th and he will take the splint out and change the bottom wire as it snapped in surgery.I will still be in bands for a few more weeks after that but can take them out to eat so i can cope with that!!!

Swelling is not too bad but still there-well i hope so as i look like desperate dan at the mo-the surgeon says its just bruised soft tissue,

I still cant smile yet so i look dead misreable but im not really...

Tuesday 5 August 2008

4 days post surgery

Two of my elastics fell out last night tried in vain to attach them again-my mouth is too sore.Today i can feel pressure in my ears and my face feels tight.The swelling isnt that bad but i do look like a monster.Tried a variety of foods today simple mash and gravy was nice with a banana smoothioe-jeez now i know how my babies felt...

On top of all that the obvious happened with not being able to open my mouth to pop in a pill that time of the month has started.So im extra moody and grumpy now...

Good news my 5 year old is getting use to me more and more...

3 days since surgery

Today has been hard-so very frustrated that i cant eat or communicate effectively.My children are being brilliant but my 5 year old is scared of me still.It breaks my heart when i look at her as i want to tell her its ok but she doesnt realise why mummy looks so bad...

Here is a picture of me with my swollen face and side profile.I know i look sad but its impossible to smile yet...

Monday 4 August 2008

Back at home on the sunday- saturday went well-very frustrated being tightly banded shut-cant eat or talk but i just have to get on with it.The other patients looked at me like im an alien as the swelling is quite bad .If one more person says to me -oh you must have been in a lot of pain to go and do this to yourself.The simple reason was this is more cosmetic than anything for pain-im not vain just want straight teeth with a great bite!

Heres a picture of my swollen baboon face-notice the sores round my mouth-ah and the bands that were white are now stained orange thanks to tomato soup...

today is the day-1st august

So i woke up today all nervous (and hungry) ready for the operation i am having.I am having BSSO and genio.I am first in line at 9 o clock.Eek!!!
Again getting nervous ,silly things like what if i dont wake up-will my kids ever see me again,i wont see my husband again...A few tears of nerves but the surgeon lets me know that he promises he wont feel a thing-nice one doc!!!
I remember getting a needle in the arm then whoosh i was gone-my next memory was 6 hours later when i had a massive urge to pee!!!
No elastics and no jaw wrap -but little sore and very drowsy.The surgeon said things took longer but things went well..My husband must have rung to check all went well as i was told to give a thumbs up if i was good..Slept like a baby till the next day-( with nurses giving me every injection you can think of..) Glad the worrying is over-let recovery commence!!!

The night before surgery

So tonights the night i am going into the hospital at 7.30 ready for the operation tommorrow.We are celebrating my sons birthday today as he will be 3 on the saturday and i am guessing i wont be up to eating cake....
I was nervous all day but coped. Then when i got the bus to take me to hospital i cried like a baby..(Well not quite but i did get upset)My 5 year old was crying cos i was crying so sad to leave them not knowing what awits me...
Once at the hospital everythings fine and calm although as desperate as i am to eat i dont feel like it so i dont have a final meal before bed just a biscuit...

Tuesday 29 July 2008

3 days to go..

I thought i would show you all my profile pics pre surgery so you can look back in a few weeks and see how its changed..(hopefully)My jaw is being moved 6 mm forwards and 3mm up.Yeah unfortunatly i wont be having a nose job.HA-HA.i am stuck with my big nose..

4 days to go...

Today i got my surgical hooks put on -5 on the top and 5 on the bottom-dont hurt and although i can tell they are there they dont bother me...

What did bother me was the ortho Twice cutting me with some scissors -not just a little nip either -i wish he would concentrate more...

My oldest things i look wierd with the hooks on- my oldest always thinks i look wierd...LOL

Sunday 27 July 2008

5 days until my surgery...

So today is sunday the 27th of july and in 5 days time i will be having lower jaw surgery to correct my overbite-i will also be having a genioplasty to correct my jimmy hill chin that bringing my jaw forward will give me!!!
I am having my lower jaw moved forward by 6mm and brought up by 3mm.
I am as nervous as hell-scared,relieved,worried all at the same time-i had my detailed pre assessment the other day where i was told what would happen to me during the surgery and what kind of state i will be in..
I will have 2 little tubes either side of my neck to drain excess fluid,i will have a tube up my nose,a drip in my arm and i will also have a catheter-every thing but the drip will be inserted when im out of it and will probably remain for 24 hours...
My family(three kids and a good husband) will be waiting at home for me to come back which i was told will be a 2 day stay..
Tommorrow i get my surgical hooks put on... hope they are not as bad as people have told me....